Club History
founded in 1990
1995 – Wessex Heartbeat
In 1995 we took part in a Rotary District initiative, Wessex Heartbeat, to provide an M.R.I. Scanner and other improvements for Southampton General Hospital. Going one better through the vision of a member, this Club led our Rotary District clubs to also provide “Rotary Heartbeat House”, a home close to the hospital dedicated to housing the parents of desperately ill children in their paediatric units.
2003 – First Walk the Test Way
Walk the Test Way started in October 2003 and has grown steadily ever since to become the major event in our calendar. Planning of each event takes a full year but provides major benefits for many charities and a source of funds for the Club’s charitable work.
2013 – Business Partners
In 2013 we launched our Business Partners scheme to recognize the help we receive from local companies by giving financial and “in kind” support to our events.
1990 – The Club is Formed
Our club was formed in 1990 and was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Romsey, a lunch-time club that continues to meet in Romsey on Tuesdays. We have always met on Wednesday evenings, originally at the Abbey Hotel but since 2014 in Romsey Town Hall. Our membership has grown steadily and in 2015/16 stood at just under 60. The present activities are outlined on this web site and tend to follow an annual cycle but other past major projects are noteworthy.
1998 – Romsey Hospital
During the Romsey Hospital Appeal in 1998-2000 we raised over £30,000 to provide a canopy to the entrance of the hospital so that patients could be transferred from the ambulance without having to contend with the vagaries of our English weather. The professional expertise and time of our members was given to this project. This facility was provided at a cost of £110,000 and continues to be as invaluable to parents today as it was when it was first built.
2009 – Re-Cycle
Further afield in the early 2000s we provided funding to refurbish the kitchens, provide lighting thin the childrens’ ward and to build a new laundry at St Joseph’s Hospital in Kitovu, Uganda. In 2009/10 we ran a project with a charity called Re-Cycle, and collected sent 400 secondhand but usable bicycles to Africa where they were refurbished and provided valuable, low cost transport. Our partnership with Dentaid is one focus of our recent overseas charitable work.
2016 – Romsey School
And finally, in 2016 the senior team from Romsey School, sponsored by our club came third in the national final of the Rotary Youth Speaks public speaking competition.
2021 Walk the Test Way
Reached a staggering 1 million pounds raised for charity!!

Our Club’s logo linking Rotary with the River Test that flows through Romsey
Past Presidents
1990-1 Gordon Rogers
1991-2 Paul Hampton
1992-3 Jeff Holloway
1993-4 Peter Harrison
1994-5 Paul Hockey
1995-6 Rory Blair
1996-7 Neil Crick
1997-8 David Bloomfield
1998-9 Nick Lockyer
1999-0 John Burgess
2000-1 Greg Hall
2001-2 Tony Abbott
2002-3 Mike Gratton
2003-4 Peter Stuckey
2004-5 Paul Grainger
2005-6 Michael Baker
2006-7 Jim Purdie
2007-8 David Bonnor-Moris
2008-9 Mike Thorne
2009-10 Graham Lee
2010-11 Martin Russell
2011-12 David Sillence
2012-13 John Gould
2013-14 Keith Cameron
2014-15 Gren Lamb-Hughes
2015-16 Neil Duncan
2016-17 Tony Trowsdale
2017-18 Jon Livingstone
2018-19 Stuart Wineberg
2019-20 Bill Gidley
2020-21 Bryan Rickett
2021-22 Roger Shepherd
2022-23 Nigel Budd
2023-24 Ed Holmes
2024-25 Clive Collier